Have you heard….? Jesus is coming soon!
Are you ready? Do you understand what it means to you, your family, the world? This website is dedicated to those who have heard and are heeding the call.
Purpose of this website
My commission from God, to plant the Fields of Zion, began after Jesus pulled me up from the pits of despair, out of the miry clay and set my feet firmly on His mountain. It all seems like so long ago now, yet looking back on the last 12 years, the time has flown as quickly as the changing of the seasons.
“To you son it has been given the responsibility of leading my children in and through their wilderness tribulation. It is not for you to be responsible for their needs, but instead to help them come to the place of trusting in Me. They must learn to work together, to lean on Me and each other. They must learn to come together as a flock, but some will also learn to lead the flock. Call out to My children son. Tell them it is time to enter into the feast with Me. Show them how and lead the way.”
Abba Father
Choosing to follow God in whatever direction He leads is never easy, in fact it feels like wandering around in the wilderness most of the time. Not really sure where you are or where you are going. But it is in this place of uncertainty that we learn what we are really made of. Are we in fact Children of God, and if so are we acting as His Sons and daughters? Are we truly living as members of His one body? Are we listening, hearing, learning, preparing and obeying?
“I want you to teach them my ways, teach them about faith. Teach them the principles I have taught you. Teach them to be strong and courageous.”
Teach them how to enter into the wilderness by faith.
Encourage them with stories of faith and obedience.
Teach them to believe for God’s provision and protection.
Raise up shepherds.
“People need to see the real time working of these Faith Projects in action from beginning to end.”
Abba Father

My name is Mark Bevan, bond servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. God has called me to help those that are willing to enter into and overcome their own wilderness trials. Are you ready to run your race? If so strap on your gear, buckle up and hold on tight because the ride is about to get really bumpy. But don’t fear because the God of Abraham, the one who sent His firstborn Son to die for you, will never leave you, forsake you, nor fail you!
Around the beginning of 2010, The Lord began to speak to me of the significance of the season I was living in. At the time I was out of work, and thus spent a great deal of my time seeking and learning everything I could about my Lord Jesus, my Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit.
One Day I remember well, while enjoying my quiet time with Dad, I was struggling with a personal dilemma. Our new farm here in Maine was beginning to turn from a hobby into a pretty serious venture. We were at a point of having to make some serious decisions in order to go forward. I said to The Lord, “If we were going to go forward with this venture, we needed to give it a name, to make it official for tax and other purposes.” Rather quickly and a little unexpectedly came the simple answer, “Fields Of Zion!” Unfortunately what I did not know at the time was how large the scope of this name meant to Him. It has taken years of seeking Him for wisdom on the name “Fields of Zion” to come to this point of writing to you now.
This is a pattern in the kingdom, and even perhaps one of the keys of the kingdom, that when God gives revelation to a man, it is the man’s responsibility to search out what is the breath, width and scope of the fullness of that revelation.
More coming soon…