A Blueprint for Community Design
Good leadership defines the needs of any community and strives to meet those needs in the most effective way possible. Effective leaders have both vision and the ability to communicate that vision to others.
the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom
Google Dictionary, oxford languages
Defining the needs of the community:
Community leaders must possess the ability to understand, quantify and define the needs within their community. This is the first practical step toward establishing a functional and prosperous community.
In determining those needs we must consider the deeper spiritual and emotional needs first in order to have a basis for designing a means to meet the broader physical/practical needs.
This is where the modern Christian Church and civil governments are missing the big picture. God did not intend for there to be a separation of spiritual and civil aspects of our society. The Body of Christ has focused too little on the community needs and too much on the spiritual. Our governing civil bodies do the opposite. A good balance lies somewhere in the middle.
Community leaders must recognize that every need is more or less equally important. Food, shelter and clothing are just as important as trust, fellowship, and opportunities to serve.
Christians leaders can offer our communities a much needed light, by displaying Godly virtues within civil government. Setting the high moral standards of truth, justice and integrity for others to follow.
Characteristics of a Christian led community:
- Offers a place of freedom to honor and worship God.
- Community based on Godly principles and relationships.
- Members share and uphold common values.
- Displays the Kingdom of God in operation on the Earth for all to see.
- Displays The Blessing of the Lord in its fullness, that others would see and know God’s goodness, love and covenant promises.
- A place of spiritual nourishment and purification.
- Community which has close ties and a respect for the Earth and all creation.
- Community which works in harmony to meet as many of its basic needs as possible, while being a light in the greater community of its neighbors.
- Establishes a working pattern for the replication of its successes in other communities.
In the pages which follow we will discus:
- Developing a leadership team – “The Assembly”
- Practical needs of a sustainable community.
- Unspoken needs: Fellowship, trust, cooperation…
- Establishing Task Forces and much more…
Stay tuned!